Saturday, January 9, 2010


From Sre Treng, we travelled onward to the beach at Sihanoukville, which is right on the Gulf of Thailand. We arrived late in the afternoon and the kids couldn't wait to dig in the sand. So we headed out, clothes and all. The beach has trees all along it, and not too far out you can see green mountains with steep slopes rising up on small islands.

Bill is saying, "Do you feel the sand between your toes? Do feel how it moves when the waves come? That's why the Bible says we shouldn't build our house upon the sand..."

My diggers

The next day we played all morning in the sand

Anna worked hard on her castle and moat.

We buried Katherine and Thomas!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Such beautiful scenery. Isn't our God so good to make such a pleasing-to-the-eye kind of world?!
