Sunday, May 10, 2009

Doodle Bug

Kris took us out to dinner this evening for Mother's Day, which I was thankful for! As we waited for a table, we enjoyed the balmy evening air and the kids gently searched for treasures from the grass and beds around the waiting area. Then, we headed inside and I asked Thomas to hold onto my pocket since I was carrying Daniel.
"Yes, Ma'am," he cheerfully said. And then he added, "I put my doodle bug in there too, so it will be safe while we eat."
"Ok, Thomas...What did you say?"
"I put my doodle bug in there so it will be safe."
"In your pocket."
Yes, it was in there! Thanks, Thomas!


  1. He's a third born. I'm telling you, third borns are so funny. All my kids bring me joy, but I have seen this time and time again in families, especially larger families, and I am seeing this now, third borns are just so cute and funny-- though they tend towards being very independant and stubborn to a certain extent. LOL! Enjoy!

  2. That's very interesting, Ann! Is Noel that way, too? I wonder why...I am always intrigued by those birth order issues! Thanks, Ann!
