Sunday, November 22, 2009


When words are many, transgression is not lacking,
but whoever restrains his lips is prudent. Proverbs 10:19

I have been reminded of this verse more than once the last couple of weeks. I've opened my mouth, said something, only to regret it later. It happened again this morning during our worship service at church.

Pastor Hal called our family to the front to tell our congregation a little bit about our trip, and then to pray for us. Just before praying, he made a very-well-intended comment about me being very brave to take my children to Cambodia, to which I quickly remarked "or crazy." He repeated it and snickered, and then we went on. But it has hovered all day.

Why did I say that? If I really thought it was crazy, Kris and I wouldn't be going in the first place. But I do realize that the world would probably say it's crazy from a "safety" and "risk-taking" standpoint. I mean, why would you take a risk like that if you don't absolutely have to?

So behind my comment was an acknowlegement that, yes, I know that many people probably think we are a little crazy for planning this trip. But the flip side, and the side that I hold onto, is that God is the one protecting us each and every day. I know He will protect my children as He wills, and I would much rather lay them in His merciful hands than live with a pretense of their safety over here without much thought to the way He cares for them each day.

So, while, yes, I know that in a worldly sense we may seem crazy, when we remember God's rule and power and His desires for His children, we have much courage to face the conditions in Cambodia with our little ones.

But (or AND), I still am greatly encouraged when people tell me that they have been and will be praying for us. To all of you who have said that, may God bless you and grant your requests. You are truly a HUGE part of any fruit that could come from our efforts on this trip. Thank you!


  1. You are such a blessing. I just received your Christmas card and it brought with it such a wonderful sense of peace and God's presence. I can't explain it, but God just blessed me by the very reading of it. Your family is BEAUTIFUL and that picture is just amazing. I will be praying for you on your trip. What an amazing adventure for your family. I was thinking back to how you and Kris came to know you were to be together and get married and I know God's timing is so perfect and plan as well. I just look with joy to see where this will lead. Thank you for sending your card! Blessings, and safe travels...

  2. We'll be praying for you too! Hey, I want a Christmas card too! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Leslie, thank you so much for your encouraging words! I can't thank you enough for your prayers!
    Gab, it's already on it's way! :)
