The street outside the market is also the main street through town. When Kris first came to Cambodia in 2002, this street was not paved, and a cloud of dust exploded into the houses and shops every time a car passed by. It is so much cleaner now.
Bill chatted with most of the people we saw. They seem to really like him, and he speaks to most of them in Khmer, unless they wish to practice their English.
This "booth" had all kinds of prepackaged snacks. We bought some peanut brittle here - delicious!
This place had several different types of rice and other grains, including corn, which is the yellow kernels in the sack on the left on the ground.
This little toddler stayed close to his mother while she worked, and had only a shirt and no shoes on - typical Khmer little one.
This woman was selling some kind of rice snack she made. All the Khmer people squat like this to work, whether it is cooking beside their short stove, washing, waiting, whatever!
These folks are visiting and cleaning fish while they are waiting for customers. Typical market scene.
Different fish for sale
The fruits and vegetables are spread out on a piece of plastic.
This lady is selling pork - all cuts
These birds looked unusual, so I took a picture. Bill says they are probably not wild birds. They are probably similar to a chicken, and the seller may raise them. If you think you know what they are, please leave a comment and fill us in!
And last but not least, I couldn't resist taking a picture of the frogs. Perfectly skinned and ready to be cooked up!
(I hope these pics don't gross you out too much. I guess I'm a bit weird to take such pictures, but I think it helps capture some of differences between the U.S. and Cambodia.)
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